The Comprehensive Negotiator Continuum is a thoroughly comprehensive, highly practical, and properly interactive program on negotiation, and delivered either in-person, via Zoom, or a combination of the two modes.

Everyone can benefit form the initial CORE module. CORE does not mean basic or simple. Rather it is the carefully crafted foundation on which the ADVANCED, SPECIAL and CRISIS modules are built.

Fun fact: The seamless modular design and remote access resulted in CNC modules replacing MBA, EMBA and executive negotiation courses at four graduate business schools during the pandemic, and have since been incorporated into multiple organisations' internal training academies.

Depending on Filip's availability, the the CNC modules are also offered for public enrolement in a Zoom-only version. These are typically scheduled in multiple timezones, to maximise accessibilty for, and diversity of, participants.

"Where is the glossy marketing flyer?" There isn't one. Past clients are collectively the best source for articulating the range of value they derive from the program. So please speak with them directly, or read what they have to say here.

Module 1: CORE Negotiation Concepts

Module 2: ADVANCED Negotiation Concepts

Module 3: SPECIAL Negotiation Concepts

Module 4: CRISIS Negotiation Concepts